WIFFC is hosting a beginner fly tying class Jan 22, Wednesday , 6 pm at the Coupeville Race Road fire station. This will be an introduction fly tying class targeted for beginners. We will go over the basic equipment, use of tools, materials, hooks, and knowledge of how to put thread on the hook and tying off. If time permits, we will demonstrate and have the opportunity for everyone to tie a few files with the knowledge they learned in class. Fly tying equipment will be provided for those that do not bring their own. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP to Gianna (email: gianna@holle.com; text: 360-466-8283) no later than Sunday, Jan 19 in order to ensure enough handouts and material is available.
What a great fly tying class we had last night! Eleven people were on hand: six beginners and five more experienced hands to offer assistance. Gianna did an excellent job preparing materials and presenting a thorough introduction to the art. People got a lot of good hands-on time and went home with a wooly bugger and a chironomid of their own making. They were mighty fine looking flies, too.
More tying sessions will be planned when Gianna returns from her spring travels.