Ala Spit is regularly cited as a good location for catching salmon, Dolly Varden, cutthroat, and flounder. It does, indeed, have all the makings of great fish holding water. That's why I've been surprised that I've never been able to hook a fish there. It's only ten minutes from our place on the island, so I've tried my luck there a number of times. I've suspected that I've simply not fished it enough to learn the ropes. Well, maybe I'm finally catching on. I fished there last Thursday, and in two hours I caught five fish: four cutthroat and one starry flounder. Wow! If ANY guidance can be gleaned from a single successful outing, it looks like I should be showing up just as the tide starts to come in. That creates a nice current along the east shore of the spit and over a small gravel bar there. I'll continue to try that and to see if I can put any more solidity to my understanding. Particularly with the Silvers and Pinks (with luck) coming, I'd like to see how productive this location can be for them.
Nice posting Mark. Hope to see you there too!
Glad that things worked out well for fishing. If you are following the tides, make the day of it and wade for crabs at low tide and then fish as the tide comes back in. All you need for crabs is a dip net and a stick (like a broom handle) and nudge them into your net as you wade around to find them. It's so easy, that even Bob Adams can do it (LOL).
Congrats on your first Ala Spit fish. I’ve caught a lot of fish there, but never a cutthroat. Actually, a few years back the club went there on a cutthroat outing, but instead we caught pinks by the dozen.