Each year about this time the Fidalgo Fly Fishers (FFF) holds their Pass Lake Fish Census, gathering data on number of fish caught, species, length, and weight. This data augments the WDFW's own sampling data to help them better manage this fishery. FFF is hoping that members of other clubs will help them out by fishing Pass Lake as many times as they can during the census, recording their catch data, and sending it to FFF. Get a census form and other details from the FFF website (http://www.fidalgoflyfishers.com/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=ed533a2e7397206ab482111c39648ed4&topic=165.0), and support their club and the Pass Lake fishery.
There are two additions to census data from last year: Record whether each fish has an adapose fin or not, and kill all Yellow Perch and Green Sunfish you catch (before or after recording data for them).
With Deception Pass State Park closed and all fishing in the state halted, I suppose we can now consider this a non-event.