I hope you enjoy the new design and features. Here are a few tips to get you started.
There is no part of the site that requires you to log in in order to read site material. You only need to log in when you want to post something to the site (see the bullet on contributing to a "Forum", below).
Use the "Coming Up" section on the "Home" page for a quick look at upcoming club activities.
In the calendar on the "Events" page, click on any entry to get a full description.
The "FYI" page contains blogs. Leadership will use this space to keep you informed of club activities, outings, conservation activities, and anything else of broad club interest. If you have an idea for a blog, let me or another of the officers know.
The "Forum" page serves as the club bulletin board. We've set up four broad categories in which you can post your comments. Want to post or read fishing reports? Visit the "Fishing Reports" category. Want to follow or comment on Lone Lake conservation? Visit the "Lone Lake Conservation" category. Have fishing-related things you want to buy, sell, or trade? Make or review posts in that category. Need a partner for your next fishing trip? Post a notice in the "Let's Go Fishing" category. POSTING TO THE FORUM: Every club member is pre-authorized to sign in to the website to post items in the Forum. When you want to post something, click on the "Login / Sign up" button that you'll find on the right-hand side of every web page--just below and to the right of the club name. You'll be shown a login page where you must enter your email address and the password. That password is wiffc. Once you're logged in, go to the "Forum" page, click on the category that best fits the nature of your post, and then click the "Create New Post" button. By default everyone will get an email notification whenever anyone makes a post to any Forum category. If there is a topic you don't want to receive notices for, just click on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the category, and choose "Unfollow Category".
While you'll recognize some of the links on the "Links" page from the old website, look for some new links as well.
The "Members" page lists all club members. I encourage everyone to visit their entry to add a photo and a few comments about yourself--maybe a favorite quote or your fishing preferences. That way this page becomes a nice way to put names to faces together.
If you have questions about the website or want to make comments about or suggestions for site design, use the comment section of the "Contact/Join" page. Those emails go to the webmaster and will always be answered.