Winners of the club's three (mostly) annual awards were announced at the Christmas party on December 16. Here are the results.
The Gil Nyerges Award was presented to Ken Campbell of the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers (OPFF). The award was established three years ago to honor Gil for his unparalleled contributions to fly fishing as a fly tyer, teacher, rod builder and artist, and for his role in establishing the WIFFC.
Ken, who moved to the Olympic Peninsula from New Hampshire eight years ago, was nominated by his club for outstanding achievements in the arts of fly fishing and for generosity in sharing his work and knowledge. He is a self-taught builder of bamboo fly rods, champion wood carver, accomplished fly tyer, and an enthusiastic nature photographer. Together with his wife, Mary, he has presented programs in all these areas.
A large contingent of OPFF members attended the Christmas party to see Ken honored. Exemplifying the spirit of sharing, they contributed a number of items to the raffle and auction. Ken made a most generous donation--a beautiful hand-carved trout, which fetched by far the highest price in the auction.
Bob Gentz was awarded the Irish Trophy, given to honor the WIFFC member(s) whose outstanding work and dedication to the club over the past year has contributed notably towards overall club success. Bob has served as the club's treasurer for a number of years and has been active in many more ways.
Paul Messner was awarded the Old Irish Fly Dressing Award (fly plate), given to honor the WIFFC member(s) whose outstanding contribution to the club over the past year has raised the quality of fly fishing and enhanced the enjoyment of fly fishing anglers everywhere. Paul's jovial personality and willingness to share his knowledge are well known and appreciated throughout the club.