The 2019 WIFFC Christmas Party was something to remember! We had a wonderful turnout, with both old friends and new. The staff at Blooms Winery were welcoming, the food was wonderful, the mood was festive--everything we hope for in this event.
Not just a happy time, this is the club's primary fund raiser, and it was successful beyond expectations. Auction/Raffle income was almost $1,400. As a result, net income for the year was over $800. Our financial situation is sound. We've been able to reduce annual dues to $35 (from $50), and we plan on upping our game when it comes to programs and activities in 2020. I hope you all are able to take advantage of all that lies ahead.
I want to give special thanks to Bob Kulwin for capturing the night in photos. Here is a collection of his work to enjoy.